Traditional agents are employed by their principal. RE/MAX Conjunctional Agents are self-employed and in control of their own business and lifestyle.
Traditional agents are required to organise their personal/family life, and annual leave around their office and the conditions imposed by their principals. RE/MAX Conjunctional Agents have the freedom to organise their personal/family lives around their business.
Traditional agents are paid wages and/or commission splits capped by their employer, based mostly after just taking a large portion of your commissions. RE/MAX Conjunctional Agents earn 100% of the commission paid, and pay set fees to the broker.
Traditional agents are obliged to attend an office. RE/MAX Conjunctional Agents can operate from wherever they wish.
Traditional agents are obliged to attend office meetings. RE/MAX Conjunctional Agents are not.
Traditional agents normally have floor time when they are obliged to attend the office. RE/MAX Conjunctional Agents don't if they don't wish to.
Traditional agents have regular office hours. RE/MAX Conjunctional Agents spend as much or as little time in their sales business as they see fit.
Traditional agencies promote office phone numbers and email on their signage and marketing, often resulting in your property leads being handed off to other office agents. RE/MAX Conjunctional Agents have their own direct phone numbers and email - no generic office phone number is advertised and all direct leads are driven straight to you.
Some traditional agents are bound by "farm" or allocated areas. RE/MAX Agents can sell wherever they like whether it's your hometown, interstate and even internationally throughout over 90 countries RE/MAX operate in.
Traditional agents are allocated leads by their office. RE/MAX Conjunctional Agents keep the leads they generate.
Traditional agents are salespeople. RE/MAX Conjunctional Agents are business people.
Traditional agents don't hold an ABN. RE/MAX Conjunctional Agents do. Check out the tax advantages yourself.
Traditional agents are encouraged to promote their brand. RE/MAX Conjunctional Agents are encouraged to promote themselves - the people actually doing the work.
Traditional agents cannot usually employ salespeople or support staff. RE/MAX Conjunctional Agents are encouraged to grow and develop their sales businesses to run it to its maximum potential.
If a traditional agent leaves an office, all their contacts and listings stay with that office. RE/MAX Conjunctional Agents own their own database and listings, and it stays with them. They realise their database is a saleable asset they've worked hard to build - not the office.
Traditional agents rely on their office website. RE/MAX Conjunctional Agents are free to develop and market their own website and external marketing to work in tandem with generic office marketing, and to collect and action leads obtained them.
Traditional agents are constrained by the confines of their offices and the systems they offer. RE/MAX Conjunctional Agents are given unprecedented freedom to run their sales business as they see fit.
Want to know more? Contact Shane McLeod on 0413331945 for a confidential chat about changing the way you operate, achieve your lifestyle goals and take charge of your income.
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